Wednesday, October 3, 2012

GW2 Wishlist

Rarely do I care enough about a game to go through the effort of typing up a list of functionality I wish were there. To their merit, They've already added at least half of the things that were on my list before I got around to typing this up. This means they're paying attention to their customer base and I have hopes of seeing at least some of the following in game.

In no particular order:
Except this one, which is the most important to me:
Being able to Undo Transmutes
While grinding for every set in the game has certain appeal, In the meantime, I'd like to be able to change this hideous gear I have on to look like something else, then change it back later so i can make it clear that I went through the grind to get it :) Just another stone to undo would be fine. A Looks tab would be ultimate, but I'm sure they can come up with something that fits in their view of the game that works.

Previewing from the AH
While it's possible to go get item codes to link to yourself in game so you can preview an item before spending your hard-earned gold on it, it would be so so much nicer to simply be able to preview it right from the Trading Post list!

Bags of loot
PvP bags should be added to inventory instead of left on the ground where you stood before you were completely annihilated inside an enemy's base, where you won't be able to get before they despawn. I'm sure I'm not the only person who cares more about survival or finishing what I've started to run around mid-battle collecting little bags of loot. rarely am I standing still long enough to pick them up while they're in range any way, given the high mobility demanded by pretty much every encounter. I would love it if these little bags of glory would magically appear in my bags.

Map completion from other zones
Being able to see zone completion stats on mouseover would be fantastic. Having to travel to each zone to check completion statistics is very inconvenient and often costly (over 3silver per destination at level 80).

While we're on completionist neuroticism: Achievements
I would love to be able to easily see the last achievement completed because I'm often absent-minded when the little award pops up above my minimap. I'd like to say that I love that achievements existed at launch, though, unlike that other game, which added them long after I completed them all without awarding proper credit after the fact. I like being able to care about achievements in this game without being pissed off at the same time!

Tradable general goods
So often have either my husband or I run out of gathering tools or salvage kits. It would be so nice to be able to say "Hey! I Have some you can borrow!" without immediately then saying "Oh yea... can't trade. You're SOL. I'll wait while you run through all those veteran exploding risen chickens to get more tools. Muahahaha"

Items automatically stacking into and out of the Bank
Can't really say much about this. My bank is so incredibly disorganized that I'm not sure what I have in there! it would be nice to just double click and "oh! that was added to a pre-existing stack! I have 103 of those suckers!"

Separating/Combining stacks of salvage kits
Maybe i'm the only retarded person who clicks from different stacks them tries to combine the leftovers to no avail. No can do!

Chosen categories and sort order reset on Guild Roster
If I add an achievement point column then sort by it, it doesn't remember how cool it was like that and reverts back to default every time I re-log.

WvW Repair Costs
While I'm sure those on consistently winning servers like Henge don't have as much of an issue with this, but I'd like to at least break even in PvP. I can take one look at the map and tell if I'm going to make gold, break even, or lose gold. While I understand the repeated beating I took while being bent over at AH broke straight through my pants, paying for it over and over gets a little tiring. Especially because I was too dead to pick up those little goody bags (see above).

Speaking of PvP, Queue Pops don't seem to persist
There may be a trick to this that I'm not aware of, but on several occasions, my queue has popped right as I click on a vista or something, then doesn't reappear. I open the PvP tab and don't see anything like a Join Match button or anything. And I'm wondering if there's some sort of penalty for not accepting immediately because my queue seems to last forever after this happens.

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