Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Panic mode (rant)

In my guild, people are in large part in pre-xpac panic mode.

They're worried about what titles they have and don't have. Imo, if it was important to have, they'd already have it. Instead, they make comments in guild chat about how "this guild doesn't want to do anything to help people get their titles," indicating that it makes perfect sense to them to ask 24 other people to help them, when they can't even get 5 to go run a heroic because everyone is too busy preparing for the end of BC.

They're worried about how much honor they have. Grinding to 75k to find out all honor is getting wiped. They freak and cry a lot to find out it's not getting wiped. It's all good. This is actually one of my goals, but i have so many other things i'd like to finish that i doubt i'll have the requisite time to lose AV a thousand times.

They're dropping their current professions and leveling new ones in anticipation of what's to come. This annoys me because my profession options for my priest are Tailoring (current), Leatherworking, or Inscription and they haven't allowed tailors to level in the alpha so we can see what the tailor sets are going to be like. I am unable at this time to make an educated decision about which profession would be best for my #2, so... i've picked all the herbs nec. to level inscription in case that will be the profession of my choice. I figure, if it's not, i can probably rake in some gold from all the other inscription wannabe's.

They're trying to sell everything in their banks (though, they are a bit late for that) to make as much from their stashes as possible before everything they have is deemed worthless except by the very few people who will lend any merit to previous-xpac stuff. There are a handful of people who firmly believe all of their LPSs and primals will be worth a killing after nobody is farming them anymore. I disagree, but who am i to interrupt their quiet time on their fluffy white cloud?

They've stopped raiding to some degree. I'm extremely annoyed at anyone who stops raiding because an xpac is on it's way. It speaks volumes about their priorities, dedication, and personality. I absolutely intend on excluding every person who has stopped raiding from our lvl 80 endgame progression. No slackers needed (or wanted). Buh Bye.

They're leveling alts so as to shorten the path to 80 for the toons they plan to level to max to either become their PVE main, PVP main, or support toon.

They're playing in the beta or PTR because they're anxious to find out how their class will work in the xpac or to give themselves a perceived upper hand. I myself have no interest in seeing the content in a broken state. I'm annoyed at all the QQing going on about classes which are still being tweaked. Granted, that QQing might result in appropriate (or inappropriate) changes in thier final pass throughs.

All-in-all, people are crazy busy preparing for upcoming changes to their class, nerfs to current content, and new content.

I am no exception to most of the above (with the exception of not raiding - because i'm not a putz).
Here's my pre-xpac wish list:
1) level my druid
(current progress - lvl 66)
2) level my druid's professions (fishing, cooking, herbing, and mining) to 375
(current progress - 225, 325, 300, 0)
3) obtain my druid's epic flight form
3) grind 75k honor on my main
(current progress - 134)
4) kill archimonde (preferably this week before the pre-xpac patch)
(current progress - 22%)
5) analyze raid participation of our current members and demote/remove those who have no moral fiber to speak of.
6) dump close to everything in the guild bank
(current progress - 50% done)
7) level inscription on my mage (if i don't need her to farm any more, may as well give her an extra glyph eh? Might consider leveling enchanting isntead to make me completely 100% self-sufficient, but... yea.... yuck)
8) level alchemy on my pally (druid will take over the herbing (i can herb in form. woot!), and my husband is slow making pots)

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