Friday, March 18, 2011

Public Groups Rock

I ran into some mobs in Rift that were impossible to solo so I asked in zone chat for others who needed it and formed a group. We finally found one of the things we needed to kill and another group strolled right up and pulled it. Before I could finish typing a bitchy response, they had merged public groups and we all got credit and continued on to complete all 3 group quests in the area.

You see, Rift groups are public by default, allowing anyone to join them, so if you see another person or party killing something you need for a quest, you can right click on their frame and click join public group and walaa! you get credit when it dies (if they don't manage to kick you first).

Unfortunately, some people are making their groups private, myself included, because some people who join groups hang around after the mission is complete, which is extremely annoying and forces others to kick them and reform, which seems far more rude than just not letting them join in the first place.

But, the mechanic itself is wonderful. I will try to remember to make my groups public when killing things that can't be soloed, but still can't imagine having it public all the time because if you're near a rift with a public group, you get all sorts of rift dwellers in your group stealing your xp and not leaving when they're done.

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